Arista Dental Clinic Blog
The Cleaning Power of Sunlight
July 30, 2020
Have you ever wondered why you get colds or the flu during colder seasons but not during warmer ones? It’s because sunlight, or specifically the UV rays in sunlight, can kill viruses & bacteria. It’s one of nature’s cleaning agents, & dental offices have started using it, too.
Know Your Dental Specialties: Prosthodontist
July 30, 2020
Like an orthodontist or a periodontist, a prosthodontist is a type of dentist who has received specialized training in a particular type of dentistry. After completing their education in general dentistry, a prosthodontist continues to train for three additional years
Your Guide to Post-Treatment Pain Relief
July 23, 2020
As dental professionals, most of what we do is about relieving and preventing pain. However, sometimes post-procedure pain is an unfortunate but unavoidable step on the road to a healthy and functional smile.
5 Things You Do That Annoy Your Dental Hygienist
July 16, 2020
Despite what some people seem to think, a hygienist's greatest desire is not to scold patients. A dental hygienist's greatest desire is to see healthy mouths free of tooth decay and dental disease.
What Is a Deep Cleaning?
June 23, 2020
Most dental patients come into the office twice a year for a teeth cleaning. However, some patients are told that they need to get a deep cleaning instead, and that they need to see us more often than twice a year.
The Star-Studded History of Veneers
June 15, 2020
If your teeth are cracked, stained, or otherwise damaged, cosmetic dentistry can greatly improve the appearance of your smile. Dentists use crowns, bridges, implants, onlays and veneers for smile makeovers
A Fun Timeline of Early Dental History
June 8, 2020
From magic spells to seeing the barber for a toothache, caring for teeth has a long and storied history. Here are some of the most significant moments in the history of early dentistry, right up until when the word "dentist" was first coined.
5 Things You Didn’t Know From Dental Care History in the U.S.
June 1, 2020
We'll bet the early history of dental care and dentists in the United States is far more interesting that you would have guessed, filled with famous names and genius innovations